Middle School and High School youth have many opportunities for serving, learning, worshipping, and having fun. Activities take place at a variety of times to enable youth to fit at least some of these faith-building events into their busy schedules.  


When youth are in the sixth grade or older, they have the opportunity to join the church as full members through the process of Confirmation. Through a variety of experiences, youth learn about God and the church, and explore their faith with the help of an adult member of the congregation who serves as a mentor. The purpose of Confirmation is not to dictate to youth what they “should” believe, but to help them understand Christian fundamentals and articulate what they “do” believe. Questions are encouraged!



Youth frequently participate in all aspects of worship. Youth Sunday is always a highlight of the year! From the selection of scripture and music to the sermon and prayers, everything is planned and presented by the Youth, focusing on a message important to them.


Youth leadership

At least one youth serves as a youth elder (church officer) every year. Other youth serve on various committees so that the opinions of our young people are always heard.


Learning about God and God’s love

We offer children’s, youth, and adult classes on Sunday mornings before Worship. Everyone in the family studies the same scripture, so that parents know what their children are learning and can continue the conversation throughout the week. During the school year, we offer a Wednesday night fellowship program called Circle of Friends. These evenings begin with dinner, followed by lessons, crafts, games, and activities.



As our youth grow and mature, more service opportunities are open to them. Our youth work especially hard to provide food for the hungry, from canned food drives, and growing fresh produce for the local food pantry, to serving meals at homeless shelters. Other service projects include the popular “Mini-Missions,” a week each summer spent serving with other local charities and non-profits.


Having fun

Youth Group typically meets on Sunday evenings during the school year. Activities include service projects, deep discussions, playing games, and just hanging out.  Each summer, our Youth Group travels to Montreat, NC for a week to worship, learn, serve, and get to know other Presbyterian youth from all around the southeastern US. Youth also have the opportunity to get to know older members of the congregation at church-wide fellowship events and by working side-by-side on service projects.